About us


Beakanyang Kafoo is a registered non-for-profit, non-political and independent development, advocacy and hum,an rights  organization in The Gambia, West Africa.

Beakanyang is a Mandinka (local) word meaning equal opportunities for all. It was founded in 2001 and began full operation in summer 2004 after registration with the ministry of justice.

Beakanyang aims to enhance the participation of disadvantage people in issues relating to good governance, human rights, child rights, as well as women and youth development in The Gambia. The organisation has been actively working over the last years to enhance the participation of young people in issues relating to human rights, governance, as well as women and youth development in The Gambia.

The creation of the organization was in direct response to meet the needs and aspiration of the youth and women of the area we began operation. It grew from the felt need to effectively mobilize the mass participation of young people to get off their fence and work constructively for the building of a culture of peace, human rights, governance and transparency in the country.

Women and Youths

Empower women and young people to serve as an effective catalysts for social transformation in The Gambia.


Help promote a culture and peace, human rights, governance and open societies.



Promote the participation of young people and women in making decisions that affects their future.