About us 

Beakanyang Kafoo is a registered non-for-profit, non-political and independent development, advocacy and human rights  organization in The Gambia, West Africa.

Beakanyang is a Mandinka (local) word meaning equal opportunities for all. It was founded in 2001 and began full operation in summer 2004 after registration with the ministry of justice.

Beakanyang aims to enhance the participation of disadvantage people in issues relating to good governance, human rights, child rights, as well as women and youth development in The Gambia. The organisation has been actively working over the years to enhance the participation of young people in issues relating to human rights, governance, as well as women and youth development in The Gambia.

The creation of the organization was in direct response to meet the needs and aspiration of the youth and women of the country. It grew from the felt need to effectively mobilize the mass participation of young people to get off their fence and work constructively for the building of a culture of peace, human rights, governance and transparency in the country.

Women and Youths

Empower women and young people to serve as an effective catalysts for social transformation in The Gambia.


Help promote a culture of peace, human rights and open societies.



Promote the participation of young people and women in making decisions that affects them.

Human Rights Promotion and Education

One of the thematic areas of intervention for Beakanyang is human rights promotion and
education. The objective of our human rights program is to promote a just and fair legal and policy
environment that guarantees non-discrimination and equality. The goal is to have a citizenry that
has a human rights culture imbibed in them and human rights becomes a reality for all.


Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

The Gambia is one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, creating sustainable alternative sources of livelihoods and providing climate change information through education and awareness is essential.
As part of our strategy, community outreach programs and field visits were conducted to
give clear understanding of the challenges of the communities.


Democratic Governance & Peacebuilding

Beakanyang designs & implements programmes to improve democratic processes focusing on promoting citizens’ participation & supports anti-corruption initiatives. Peacebuilding is another area of intervention for us and  is anchored on our BADINGBUNG (Family House) initiative launched in 2019.It’s a people centered community-led truth seeking, conflict resolution, reconciliation & peacebuilding mechanism. 

Climate Change & the Environment

How do we help effect change to the enivronment?


Beakanyang trains traditional communicators on climate change communication

Beakanyang, in August 2022 conducted a 3-day training on climate change communication for 26 Traditional Communicators (Kanyellengs) in Wuli, Upper River Region.

The activity was funded by the Netherlands Embassy in Senegal under Beakanyang’s project ducked: ‘Using traditional knowledge to mitigate climate change in Wuli’.

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Mainstreaming Gender In Climate Change Mitigation!

In July 2022, we presented radio receivers to 10 women groups in Upper River Region to enable them listen to our climate change radio talk shows.

The materials were presented at a ceremony held in Sutukonding, Wuli West.

Our Head of Programs who also oversees our Environment Unit, Mr. Tumani Danjo spoke on the importance of mainstreaming gender in climate change discourse.

The move, he said, seeks to encourage women to listen and participate in our climate change conversations.

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Beakanyang conducts massive tree planting at Jah Kunda!

In August 2022, Beakanyang launched its annual tree planting exercise in Jah Kunda village.

The exercise was launched partnership with the Kutay Jombulu Kafo of Jah Kunda, a community based organization.

About 200 trees were planted and weeks later similar exercise was conducted in Taibatou village.

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Climate change is happening now; we need to take serious action to mitigate its impact

Omar Malmo Sambou

Board Chairman

Women & Youth Empowerment

Beakanyang trains women to contest elections

“Our objective is to have the number of women contestants increased in all our elections. We want to see more youth and women contesting in the forthcoming local government elections” said Nfamara Jawneh, Beakanyang Executive Director.

Town Hall Meetings on Hate Speech and Social Bullying

On the 28th September 2021, a nation-wide town hall meeting on hate speech was launched. The aim of the activity was to engage communities on the dangers of hate speech to our development and also to ensure that there is a peaceful election in The Gambia.

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National Dialogue on Hate Speech

On 30th October, 2021, at Paradise Suits Hotel, Kololi, a national dialogue aimed at building a consensus as to what constitute hate speech in the Gambian context and what actions could be taken by various stakeholders was convened by Beakanyang.

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Beakanyang Female Wing

Speaking on the occasion, Alkally Kebbeh, the Sare Ngai Ward Councillor, said women empowerment remains a priority for the Gambia government.

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Beakanyang Donates Fertilizer and cash to its Sutukonding Chapter

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Human Rights

The executive director of Beakanyang Kafo has called on countries around the world to work towards effective human rights protections


Appointment of new Board Chair

Beakanyang is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Omar Malmo Sambou as its new board chairperson. Mr. Sambou replaces Mr. Yaya Sumareh who successfully served as our chair for two consecutive terms. Omar Malmo Sambou is a Lecturer and Program Coordinator of...

Courtesy call on the Minister of Youth & Sports!

Courtesy call on the Minister of Youth & Sports! As part of its long tradition of engaging authorities on its activities and issues of national interest, Beakanyang on Wednesday 3rd May 2021 paid a courtesy call on the Minister of Youth and Sports Hon.Bakary Y....
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