Beakanyang Kafoo

A registered non-profit, non-political and independent development, advocacy and human rights organization in The Gambia, West Africa

Beakanyang Appoints new Director

Beakanyang has appointed a new director for the organization. Mr Nfamara Jawneh was appointed on April 26th 2014 in Barrow Kunda in Upper River Region of the The Gambia during the sidelines of the general assembly meeting of the organization. 

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Jawneh a former secretary general and one time program officer has being working with the organization since its establishment in 2004. He is trained development worker and a certified journalist. 

Beakanyang Trains Youth and Women Leaders

Beakanyang, on March 31st 2012, held a one-day workshop on leadership at its head office in Barrow Kunda, Wuli West district.The training, funded by Beakanyang, and attended by 15 participants, aimed at enhancing the leadership skills of their partnering community groups and structures in the district. 
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Speaking on the occasion, the president of Beakanyang, Tumani Danjo, said the training was the first of its kind to be organised by the organization.

“This training is solely organised and funded by Beakanyang through our internal resources,” he said, adding that the activity is a clear manifestation of Beakanyang’s commitment to strengthening the leadership of various groups in the area.

For his part, Nfamara Jawneh, secretary general and programme officer of Beakanyang, said bad leadership has contributed to the failure of many groups and projects in the country.

“We have realised that many groups and organizations have problems with their leadership and have decided to play our part in addressing the leadership gaps in our partnering groups and organs,” he said.

He urged youth and women leaders present at the event to take the training seriously and to share the knowledge gained from it with their colleagues in their respective groups.

“I remember last month in Banjul, when I first suggested to my president for us to organize this training at the time when we were also strategizing on how to respond to the country’s food shortage. He told me that the subject is equally essential and attainable for us,” he recalled.

“I looked at him and thinking of the cost involved and knowing fully what I was contemplating, this great leader of ours said: ‘We must sponsor it with or without outside funding’.”

Mr Jawneh commended Mr Danjo for his inspirational leadership and urged him to share his experience with the participants at the training.

The board chairperson of Beaknayang, Yahya Sumareh, described the training as very relevant for the participants, noting that many groups are today in crisis due largely to improper leadership.

“Good leadership does inspire and motive their subordinates towards achieving organizational goals,” he said.He hailed the leadership of Beakanyang for organizing the training and urged the participants to use the skills acquired in their work for effective service delivery.

Other speakers on the occasion included Mrs Dandang York, a board member and Mr Alkally Kebbeh, Sare Ngai Ward Councillor.

Participants at the training were drawn from Beakanyang female wing, board of directors, VDC, Kambeng Kafoo, project steering committee and representatives from Sutukoba and Basse.

Beakanyang Celebrates International Youth Day 2013

Youth in The Gambia yesterday joined the rest of the world to mark International Youth Day (IYD) with a symposium held at Nusrat Senior Secondary School in Bundung. 

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The event, jointly organised by Beakanyang Kafo and the Sensitive Youth Association, centred on the global theme: ‘Youth Migration: Moving Development Forward’. 

In a speech delivered on his behalf by Beakanyang Kafo secretary general Nfamara Jawneh, Beakanyang president Tumani Danjo said that IYD, being observed on 12 August each year, was established by the United Nations in 2000 as a means of raising awareness on issues affecting young people around the world.

“Each year the Secretary-General of the United Nations decides upon a theme for the Day on the basis of issues of concern to young people,” he said.

According to Mr Danjo, the day is also meant to recognize the efforts of the world’s youth in enhancing development.

“It also aims to promote ways to engage them in becoming more actively involved in making positive contributions to their communities. In The Gambia Beakanyang and our partners Sensitive Youth Association are proud to co-organize this event to celebrate the Day,” he said.

He noted that Beakanyang is a youth-led organization promoting human rights, environmental sustainability and agriculture focusing mainly in rural Gambia.

Commenting on the theme, Danjo said young people make up a significant share of the global number of international migrants.

In fact, according to records, in 2010, there were an estimated number of 27 million international young migrants, he said.

According to him, while migration can often offer valuable opportunities and contribute to the development of communities and society at large, it can also pose risks and lead to unacceptable situations, including discrimination and exploitation.

For her part, Isatou Conteh representing the chairperson of Sensitive Youth Association said the day was meant to reflect on the daily lives and challenges of youth globally.

She said her association would remain committed to nation building as a true development partner.

The group, she added, is using various strategies to empower its members such as entrepreneurship trainings, environmental sanitation, advocating for youth rights and against social menaces like illegal migration and drug abuse.

Deputizing the Director General of The Gambia Immigration Department, GID PRO Cadet Inspector Saidou A.M. Bah applauded the organizers of the forum for a worthy gathering.

He urged young people to desist from embarking on illegal migration because it is associated with so many risks.

According to him, the government is doing a lot to encourage the youth to stay and work in the country through institutions and schemes such as NYSS, President Award Scheme and NEDI.

The challenge now is for the youth to grab these opportunities and stop risking their lives when they could make it in their homeland, PRO Bah said.

According to him, during the Libyan conflict, the governments through the leadership of President Yahya Jammeh repatriated many Gambians trapped in the North African country “but sadly many of those repatriated decided to go back through illegal migration”.

PRO Bah stressed that neither GID nor The Gambia government is opposed to youth migrating but was quick to add that such movements should be done legally.

The occasion, moderated by Kebba Jephang, secretary of Sensitive Youth Association, was attended by representatives of various youth groups in the country.

200 volunteers weed Beakanyang coos farm

Volunteers from across the village of Barrow Kunda in Wuli West District of the Upper River Region recently took part in a weeding exercise of a 4-hectare coos farm of Beakanyang Kafoo, in the village. 
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The weeding exercise attracted about 200 volunteers including men and women who were entertained by famous drummers from Sinne village in Senegal.

The drummers said they responded to the invitation of the group because they had enjoyed a long time cordial ties with the community.

Speaking on the occasion, Kawunding Danjo, the farm manager, expressed his happiness about the high turnout and the good job done by the volunteers.

He expressed hope that when it continues to rain as expected, they would have a good harvest from the farm.

He thanked the leadership of Beakanyang for providing the farm with fertilizer, which he said would boost their yield.

Addressing workers at the farm, Beakanyang secretary general Nfamara Jawneh said it was a pleasure for him to attend the event.

He thanked the people of Barrow Kunda for helping the organization to realize its objectives while stressing that for the country to attain food self-sufficiency, every community should participate in farming.

Mr Jawneh disclosed that if everything goes well as anticipated the proceeds of the farm would be given back to the community in a form of new projects.

“My office and I are not interested in one single dalasi from this farm,” he said.

He urged members of the community to report any cattle encroachment onto the farm in order for his office to take the necessary legal action against the owners.

“Farming is very painful in this part of the country in particular and we cannot allow careless cattle herders to threaten our livelihoods anymore,” he emphasised.